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Thursday, June 24, 2010

Abduzeedo - graphic design | design inspiration | tutorials -

Abduzeedo - graphic design | design inspiration | tutorials -

Daily Inspiration #544

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 01:53 PM PDT

This post is part of our daily series of posts showing the most inspiring images selected by some of the Abduzeedo's writers and users. If you want to participate and share your graphic design inspiration, just send us, via email, the image with the link from where you found it, also use "Daily Inspiration" in the subject, and don't forget to send your Abduzeedo username; or via Twitter sending to http://twitter.com/abduzeedo

If possible use the HTML code: <p class="imgC"><a href="Link to the page you found the image"><img src="Link to the Image" /></a></p>

Do you want to see all images from all Daily Inspirations? Check out http://daily.abduzeedo.com


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

al b sure

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Emily Kemper

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Eric Shafer

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Eric Wagliardo

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Ernest Hoffmann

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Eugene Kim

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

piration #544" width="450" />


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

j.k. yarnall

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Hill Scott

DESIGN THROUGH DREAMS from Chris Caulton Seabrooks on Vimeo.

Luis Fernando Mizutani

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544



Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Via Twitter

Send your suggestions via Twitter to http://twitter.com/abduzeedo using #abdz in the end of the tweet.



Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544


Digital art selected for the Daily Inspiration #544

About the author

My name is Fabio Sasso, I'm a graphic/web designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil and I'm the founder of Abduzeedo. I hope we can share lots of information, tips, and ideas through Abduzeedo. Also you can follow me on Twitter or my personal site at http://fabiosasso.com.

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Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Posted: 24 Jun 2010 05:50 AM PDT

Raul Zito is a photographer and muralist. His urban plastic work started in 1997, but only in 2007 he joined the graffiti with photography, which resulted in a single proposal of urban art. His murals depict life cosmopolitan, condemn unbridled consumerism and the lack of criteria of everyday. His line of work adds to the rationality of photography to sensitivity gestural of painting on large walls, creating direct and transitive speeches for their own society portrayed.


Zito has participated in group exhibitions in Madrid, Rome, Tel Aviv, Rio de Janeiro and has held three solo exhibitions in Sao Paulo. He has been at meetings of Civic Art in Salvador, Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro.

To view more from Zito visit his Flickr

Check out the previous Graffiti Brazil posts for awesome street art inspiration - abduzeedo.com/tags/graffiti-brazil

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

Graffiti Brazil: Zito

About the author

Hello! I'm Paulo Canabarro, Web Designer born in Brazil, living and freelancing in the US. Get @ me - pvpcanabarro@gmail.com For some cool stuff make sure to Follow me on twitter!

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Really cool 80's 8-bit inspired Flash games

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 09:49 PM PDT

As you may already know, we here at Abduzeedo are big fans of everything 80's. Of course one big part of that are video games. Those old 8-bit games might not have the amazing graphics modern games have but our nostalgia for them keeps them alive in many ways. Pixel Art has become a growing phenomena on the net and Flash has allowed people to continue making new games in that 8-bit Nintendo/Sega style. Here are some examples of some amazing Flash-based 8-bit style video games.

The following 2 games are by designer/illustrator Manning Krull, check out his tutorial on how to do a simple 8-bit pixel art character walking animation.

Toxic Sonic Zombie Massacre (click on link to play, for some reason it doesn't load when embedded)

Curses! (only a 1 level demo but still fun to play)


The following game was made to promote the movie The Watchmen. It's based on the Minutemen group of characters from the comic. It was a really clever promotional tool since the movie takes place in the 80's.

You can play the game here: www.minutemenarcade.com

Really cool 80's 8-bit inspired Flash games

This game is super fast but a lot of fun. You run around as Jesus performing as many miracles as you can in 10 seconds.

Run Jesus Run!

IGHT="448" />

Finally, we can't forget one aspect that makes these video games great, their music. 8-bit music, or Chiptunes, have also become a huge phenomenon on the internet. For you game developer & pixel artists, Boing Boing is hosting a contest where you can develop a simple game utilizing some free chiptune songs they made available. Just thought I'd quickly mention it just in case anyone was interested: link

About the author

Hi readers!
I'm a Graphic Designer in New York City (Brooklyn!). NY is a hub for design and my posts will try to focus on, but will not be limited to, design related things happening in NY, such as museum exhibits, architecture, events, local artist interviews, galleries, etc. I'm very much into technology and art and how they intersect to make multimedia art installations. Hope you enjoy my posts!
My site: www.franciscog.com

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Logo Design: Restaurants

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 08:30 PM PDT

The Logo Design series is up and running! We're thinking ahead and we want to find new ways to sort these listings. Last week we had an awesome post on health related logos... today it's all about restaurants!


As usual, we'll search for logos in these galleries: Logopond, Logo Faves, Logo Moose, Logo from Dreams, Logo Gala, WS Logos, The Logo Mix and Wolda. We hope you all enjoy our selection! Cheers. ;)

PS.: Got cool ideas for sorting? Tell us! ;)

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

Logo Design: Restaurants

About the author

Hello, everyone! I'm Paulo Gabriel, a 25 year old designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil. I have worked as a webdesigner since 2006, but websites and blogs have been a hobbie for me since 1999. Here in Abduzeedo, I try to bring only the hot stuff for you... and hope that all of you enjoy my posts! For more cool stuff, you may also follow me on Twitter.

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Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

Posted: 23 Jun 2010 07:57 PM PDT

Mariano García Cruz is an art director, graphic designer and illustrator from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria but current based in Barcelona, Spain. His work is full of colors and with a style mixing vector illustrations with drawings, like we see on the PingPongShop Poster.

You can find out more about Mariano at his website at (http://www.marianogarciacruz.com/) or over at his Behance profile (http://www.behance.net/marianogarciacruz). Both sites are full of great and inspiring work, it's definitely worth checking it out



Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz


Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz


Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz


Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

This illustration was made for a collective expo where photographer Maria Laura Benavente invited a series of illustrators to work with a series of her photos. I made a tribute to 90s hip hop music. The girl wears Notorious BIG bandana, the jacket from Nas, The Chains of Beastie Boys, a smith & wessum gun, the timberlands and a little doggy, the lolipop is the sweet touch !


Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

La bici te lleva por el buen camino

Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

d[x]i :: Fast Food

Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

Thank You Rodriguez

Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

Inspiring Posters by Mariano Garcia Cruz

About the author

My name is Fabio Sasso, I'm a graphic/web designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil and I'm the founder of Abduzeedo. I hope we can share lots of information, tips, and ideas through Abduzeedo. Also you can follow me on Twitter or my personal site at http://fabiosasso.com.

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